Monday, May 29, 2006

More on Boy

I finished the book! After the boil story he moved to another school, Repton, and had a horrible meeting with the prefects there, called Boazers. They had supreme power over all the other students and (mis)used that power frequently. Roald Dahl became best at school in two sports, but first he became a fag(!). Which I reacted at. Fag nowadays meens a gay person, and was reason to a bit of laughter in the class. I the book, fag was a servant of a boazer, and they had to clean his study. And they had to do it properly, or else he'd hit them with his stick. He then went to this Art school, I think, and did it quite good there After that he became a uhm... salesman at the shell office. One day he was offered an office in Africa, and while he was there he got caught by the 2. World War, were he flew an airplane. After the book is finished he says that only very stupid persons become authors. It might be right, but if none became authors, what would we read then?

Monday, May 22, 2006

More from boy

I have now read the chapter "Captain Hardcastle" and the captain don't seem like a normal fellow. He is still shell-shocked, and not a good latin teacher. And it was just stupid that you could not ask the master for a nib. I think the teachers there should have lost some of their authorty. I also read about "Little Ellis and the Boil" And I don't think the doctor could have done anything else those days.

The book was better that I thought, but worse than other books

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The english book "Boy"

We're reeding a english book called "Boy" by Roald Dahl. I've read to page 75.

The book is about Roald Dahls childhood. He had a lot of brothers and sisters and i don't know if it was his father or his uncle who had lost his arm to a drunken doctor. Anyway, they went out in the world and got wealthy. His father married twice, the second time with his mother. They lived in wales, but since Roald got his ass kicked at school for placing a rat in a candy jar he went to a boarding school. Once when he was going home and when his sister drove, they crashed and his nose nearly fell of.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ringenes Herre

Nå har jeg lest hele. Etter de har kommet til kløvendal som er alvenes hus, drar de videre med ett nytt følge på ni. De drar inn i Morias miner (som er en gruve) og der faller gandalf ned fra en bru mens han forsvarer dem fra en Balrog (stort stygt vesen) og inn i ett alveland kalt Lorien. De får der båter og drar videre ned mot storfloden. Der må de skilles av og Frodo og Sam (to hobbiter) drar mot mordor.